New Works in Bamboo
May 3 – June 2, 2018
First Thursday Opening, May 3, 5-8PM
Traver Gallery is proud to introduce New Works in Bamboo by Japanese artist Jiro Yonezawa.
The show presents 17 original sculptural works constructed of Japanese madake bamboo, exploring the strength and flexibility of the material. Each piece showcases Yonezawa’s masterful understanding of traditional Japanese basketry and an evolving sensibility towards this ancient craft.
The artist utilizes a singular palette of loose, open weaves and intensely colored lacquers to create these solitary forms. His minimalistic designs capture an array of concurrent expressions; defining the subtle balance between history and modernity, line and form, and motion and stillness.
Yonezawa has almost 4 decades of experience in crafting bamboo basketry. He is internationally celebrated with important awards and numerous exhibitions at museums and galleries. After 20 years in the US, Yonezawa returned to his hometown in Japan and built a new studio. The thoughtfully curated pieces included in this exhibition provide an intimate look at his latest technical and spiritual developments.
For additional information, please contact Traver gallery at 206.587.6501 or info@travergallery.com